#terran reader
in1-nutshell · 7 months
(One I am sorry if I am flooding your ask box is just I really love how you write) maybe old Predacon buddy get transported into the Earth spark universe how would they interact with Megatron from that universe possible hostility and will possibly gush over the terrans(is that how I say it?) Just overall more grandpa vibes
Old Predacon Buddy is going to start their own passport or scrapbook filled with their travels to other dimensions with all of their alternative grandkids.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the Old Predacon meeting the Terrans and Megatron
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronian reader
Buddy was going to start keeping a personal travel log on all the different places outside their universe if this keeps up.
One minute they were peacefully watching Bumblebee and Bulkhead spar in the training room.
The next thing they knew they were thrown into a small clearing in the middle of the woods.
It was a peaceful piece of land if they were being honest.
They knew they needed to start thinking about how to get back home, again, but the scenery caught their optics.
Full of nice trees and moss, a perfect spot to nap.
Buddy turns their helm to spot two small Bot and human girl and boy.
“Hi!”—All of them
Buddy, a little stunned by the response, waves their tail.
The little girl and the bot next to her come closer.
The other two come after wards.
“We heard a large thud noise and found you here.”—Small red bot
“Did you now?”--Buddy
“Bet that was you making a crash landing.”—Small human girl
“You could say that. These portals aren’t known for giving bots nice landings.”--Buddy
“Portals? Like a spacebridge?”—Small human boy
“…Yes, like a spacebridge. How do you know what a space bridge is?”--Buddy
“Dad and Dad 2 talked about them.”—Small red bot
“Dad…Dad 2?”--Buddy
“Yeah well, Dad talked about it in the comics.”—Small white bot
“Excuse me, comics?”--Buddy
“Yeah, these things!”—Small white bot
Buddy is shown a comic with Optimus and Megatron fighting on the front page.
“Do… do all humans know about our species?”--Buddy
“Duh. You’re not from around here, are you?”—Small white bot
“I’m not. I’m from another dimension.”--Buddy
“Wow! So Cool!”—Small human girl
“Mo, they need to get back home.”--Small human boy
Buddy tilting their helm a bit.
“Mo? Is that your name little one?”--Buddy
“Yep! This is my big brother Robbie and our other brother Thrash and sister Twitch.”--Mo
“Brother… and sister…”--Buddy
“We found them in a cave, well more like created.”--Robbie
Buddy sitting down putting a servo over their face.
Buddy vents hard.
“Hold on a second kiddo. This…this is a lot to process at the moment.”--Buddy
“Robbie! Mo! Where did you guys go?”
“Wait I found them!”
Three more bots come from the brush.
Buddy just stares at them.
The orange and green one transform into their beast modes and stand in front of group. The large purple one looks like they are ready to fight.
“Who are you!”—Green owl bot
“Nightshade wait that bot’s friendly!”--Mo
“How do you know? They look like they can eat you whole Mo!”—Large purple one
“We should judge a book by its cover Hashtag.”—Small dinobot
“If it helps, I can give you my name. But you must promise not to ask questions about it.”--Buddy
“…Your name is Buddy?”--Robbie
“…okay! These are our other siblings, Hashtag, Nightshade and Jawbreaker.”--Thrash
Buddy nodding before taking notice of how young these bots looked.
“You said you found your siblings in a cave, correct? How long were they there?”--Buddy
“I think less than a year ago.”--Mo
Buddy looks like they are about to have a stroke.
Mo mentioned that their mother and father would want to meet them. Maybe even help them find a way back home.
As the little group walked towards the farm, Buddy followed making sure to watch each one carefully.
There was no way that these literal sparkling’s were leaving their sight.
Alex and Dot were extremely surprised to see the kids bring in a giant mechanical dragon home.
They looked even bigger than Megatron!
“Kids… who’s your new friend here?”--Alex
Buddy bowing their helm a little in respect.
“Hello there. My name is Buddy. I am an Autobot from another dimension. I fell into your world through some sort of portal.”--Buddy
“Your name is Buddy?”--Dot
Buddy venting a bit.
“Yes Ma’am. That is my name it suites my personality, I’ve been told.”--Buddy
Dot looks at her kids.
“Did any of you—”--Dot
“We didn’t bring the giant dragon here!”--Thrash
“I am a Predacon little one.”--Buddy
“What’s a Predacon?”--Jawbreaker
“…I’ll explain it later. Umm…”--Buddy
“I’m Dot, this is my husband, Alex.”--Dot
Alex looking starstruck at Buddy.
“Can you fly?”--Alex
“Dad!”—the kids
Buddy chuckling a bit before dipping their helm to the ground in front of him.
“Would you like to see for yourself?”--Buddy
“I like them!”--Alex
“Can I go too!”--Mo
“And me!”--Robbie
“And me!”--Hashtag
“One at a time little ones. Dot? Is there someone you can contact that could--”--Buddy
“Already calling the big guys. They should be here any minute.”--Dot
Buddy was pleased and agreed to wait.
In the meantime, Buddy had already taken an oath to protect the young ones with their life while they were still here.
Buddy also wondered whose alternatives they were going to run into this time around.
Buddy played around with the little ones when a yellow sports car came speeding in and transformed.
“Dot! I got the call—SWEET SOLUS PRIME!”--Bumblebee
Buddy turning to the yellow bot with a happy grin on their face plate.
Buddy easily walks up to him with four of the Malto bots hanging from their frame.
“Bumblebee! My, my I haven’t met an alternative of you yet. And your voice!”--Buddy
Buddy looking around his neck cables.
“Not a scratch!”--Buddy
“Can someone explain!”--Bumblebee
“Oh sorry! Where are my manners. My name is Buddy, I am an Autobot from another dimension and Dot dear here was nice enough to contact some bots that could potentially help me with my problem.”--Buddy
“It’s a lot to take in. Take your time little one.”--Buddy
Did Bee feel a bit intimidated about the giant dragon talking to him in such high regards.
But at the same time, he didn’t.
Despite the grand size of the bot, they were a softy.
They really lived up to their name.
Soon enough a familiar truck comes in.
“Is that Prime?”--Buddy
“Oh yeah Optimus is here.”--Dot
A grey helicopter starts hovering above the truck.
“…Bumblebee. Who’s that?”--Buddy
Buddy nearly snaps their neck at how fast they look at him.
“Excuse me?!”--Buddy
“Megatron? Here? The leader of the Decepticons?”--Buddy
“Oh, he isn’t a Con anymore. He’s one of us now.”--Bumblebee
Buddy’s wings drop as the kids go welcome the Prime and ex-warlord.
“Your war is…is it over?”--Buddy
Bee and Dot look at Buddy who seemed to have aged dramatically in the few seconds of hearing that news.
“Yeah, its over…I take it yours isn’t?”--Bumblebee
Buddy shaking their helm.
“What about the other Decepticon’s?”--Buddy
“Some are doing their own thing and others do cause trouble from time to time.”--Bumblebee
Buddy huffs a bit.
“Next thing you’re going to tell me is that Starscream is the leader.”--Buddy
“I mean—”--Bumblebee
“This is the part where you tell me that isn’t true…”--Buddy
“…please say sike right now…”--Buddy
 Prime and Megatron start walking over.
Buddy straightens themselves and transforms to go shake the Leaders servos.
“Optimus. Megatron.”--Buddy
“That’s us. And who might you be stranger?”--Megtron
Buddy suppressing a tiny sob.
“Buddy, sir. My name is Buddy.”--Buddy
“Strange name, but it looks like it suites you well.”--Optimus
“Thank you Prime. I take it that you two can help me get back home?”--Buddy
“We will do our best Buddy.”--Optimus
Buddy smiles at the two.
“That’s all I could ask for. Thank you.”--buddy
Buddy eventually sat down and talked to the two mechs while more bots were coming their way.
Buddy met the alternatives of some fellow bots they knew or had known throughout the war.
They nearly got teary eyed when they met this alternative of Elita One.
Buddy found it a bit hard to connect the dots between this version of Arcee and Wheeljack.
According to Wheeljack, it was going to take a couple of days to make sure that Buddy would get sent to the right dimension.
Buddy didn’t mind too much as they spent most of their time with the kids.
These kids lived for Buddy’s play time and stories.
“Then what did you do?”--Jawbreaker
“Well kiddo, I took that hammer and threw it at our Commander. He was able to help our Wheeljack and Bulkhead while I managed to get us some cover from the Vechicons.”--Buddy
“Buddy, I have a question.”--Nightshade
“What might that be Nightshade?”--Buddy
“You mentioned once that you were a gladiator of sorts right?”--Nightshade
“Yes, that was during my younger years.”--Buddy
“How young though?”--Nightshade
“Hmm… probably around the first hundreds of years give or take.”--Buddy
“…”—The kids
“How old are you?”--Robbie
“…How about another story?”--Buddy
“How old!”--Twitch
“How old Buddy!”--Hashtag
“Dot! Restrain you kids!”—Buddy
Soon enough it was time for Buddy to go back home.
Buddy made sure they hugged every single one of their new friends before going close to the portal.
Buddy made sure to give extras as they were leaving.
Buddy came out of the portal and into the halls of the base.
Only to get immediately hit in the helm by a lob ball.
“OW! Who threw that!”--Buddy
Miko starts running to Buddy in the Apex armor.
“Wait Miko the armor—”--Buddy
Miko jumps into Buddy’s open arms.
Buddy falls backwards with a hard thud.
“Miko, I’m not as young as I was before.”--Buddy
Miko doesn’t listen, too busy hugging Buddy.
“You need to stop disappearing like that.”--Miko
“Trust me if I had a choice I would stay with the team. The universe seems to have different plans. At least I always end back home.”--buddy
“You got that right.”--Miko
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cosmic-cogs · 2 years
I'm gonna stick my hand on that funny little rock and get terran kids (Skylynx and Darksteel)
No but like think about it. Y/N finds the cave, touches the ~magic stone~ and bam. Two predacon babies who are also massive and like 20ft tall probably. They both would kill to protect their creator
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inthenameofstartrek · 2 months
Hi Pike Fans!
I'm searching for a fanfic (I think there were 3 chapters) where Pike and the reader are in a relationship - I think reader was a geologist of some kind. So reader gets caught in a rockslide and saved by Mirror!Pike, but she temporarily loses her vision so she doesn't know the difference until the end - it did have a happy ending though!
If anyone can point me in the right direction I'd be so so so happy!
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On a poll roll lol. Working on some Bumblebee x Reader and want to hear who everyone else thinks would lead the siblings through some attempted matchmaking. I imagine it's quite obvious to everyone that Reader and Bee like each other, but for some reason neither will admit it to the other. For the sake of their beloved mentor and neighbor, one of the kids decides it's time to offer some help.
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Find the Word Tag
Tagged by @autumnalwalker ty!
All are from Syndicate (So unless noted otherwise, from Terran's POV)
sweet (From a scene I wrote from Raymond's POV, not in the main story)
“But I did want to just because I’ve learned a lot. How our minds work, even how our magic works. It’s crazy how much I was going on instinct before, but also how I was right about some things. I know where I’m going now, know what I’m doing.” “You’ve always been smart,” [Terran] said, and his voice was sleepy, which was really sweet in a way I didn't expect, and I looked at him and he looked really tired but he was still watching me.  I brushed away the compliment. “I did well in school because Mom taught me how to improve memory. You’re always a step ahead of me unless I lie to you.” “No,” he replied. “I don’t know my numbers, remember?” This time his eyes were closed. “Numbers aren’t that important. You’re smart. You’ve always been.”
“It is them,” I said, still staring at the words in the notebook, as if another message was about to come through. I glanced up at him, processing what he said enough to realize he didn’t make quite the same realization I did. “That’s Abigail’s handwriting.” [Raymond] tensed. “Abigail? The spy who used to be a reaper, that Abigail?” I nodded. I knew her handwriting well enough. Saw it scattered over papers growing up. “Meaning, it is the Judge who’s after you,” I added. 
[Raymond] took a few steps closer. I turned enough that he could see, and he got close enough that I could feel the warmth of his body. He leaned closer, looking for it, raising a hand and I felt his finger gently touch the back of my neck to feel where I’d been feeling were it had been put in. I braced myself as he touched it, the urge to flinch away was strong. “Shit. I’m sorry,” he said, apologizing again. He backed up, facing me again. I shrugged at his apology. It wasn’t his fault. It was mine. But I didn’t think I should say that and I couldn’t bring myself to say it was fine.
No one ever mentioned my mother. My father was hardly mentioned either, but acknowledged. I knew his name (Nicholas), I knew what he’d done, I knew he was Gaian, that he’d died because he’d made a mistake. Zachary had even told me a few stories about him when he was in a good mood, though those stories didn’t paint him in the best light. The only thing I knew about my mom was that she must be a Nance, since I was. Abigail was still smirking. Was it possible she did know something? Despite the surge of curiosity, I dismissed it. She likely didn’t know, I couldn’t believe anything she said. She’d just use my curiosity against me. So I pretended I didn’t care. I turned my head, facing forward.
I couldn’t make any of their words out, but then, a hauntingly familiar cry of pain. Too quiet to alarm anyone, not fear to get attention—but the horrible sound of suppressing how much something hurt.  My mind raced, trying to figure out what had been going on. I’d been so focused on myself that I had no idea what kind of confrontation could be happening. I stepped toward my door, then hesitated. I wanted to know what was going on, but I’d be stepping into some form of Zachary’s wrath, with no idea what I was getting into. Stepping in would be dangerous, and not like the anger I’d been getting from him. This was much more direct. Raymond wouldn't hesitate. He wouldn’t for a moment be thinking about his own fear, he’d jump right in and do anything he could to make sure Mika got out safe. No matter what it would involve. 
Tagging: @wildjuniperjones @blind-the-winds @eli-writes-sometimes @thegreatobsesso & anyone else who wants to jump on
Your words are: sleep, scatter, urge, paint, & involve
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heaven-s-black-box · 10 months
Death do us Part- Clay terran x gn!Justice!Reader & Apollo
Return to File
Recovery date: July 27th, 2020
Description: Clay X _____ after his death- Apollo's twin grieves their bf's death, and he comes to comfort them
Notes: An entry from my 2020 research project into the universe of Ace Attorney. You can find the next entry here.
Word count: 258
Back to directory
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“Y/N?” Apollo asked, opening their door. The hinges creaked, but they didn’t move. “Come on, you can’t stay here forever. You should see if Mr. Wright has a case you can take. Get your mind off-”
“Like your one to talk,” they hissed, not moving from underneath their blanket. “Leave of absence,” they scoffed,” what do you plan on doing?”
“I’m going to find his killer.” They sat up at that and scowled.
“Wouldn’t that be easier as the defense on the case? We both know starbuck didn’t do it, he adored Clay.”
“Then why don’t you?” Apollo asked. They had no response to that, and simply curled back up beside Apollo. He began to stroke their hair, and humming.
“Why do we always end up alone?” They asked, and Apollo could hear a hitch in their voice. “First our parents, then- and now Clay… Why can’t people just stay for once?”
“Move over,” Apollo sighed, and lay down beside them, laying Clay’s jacket over them as a blanket. He went back to stroking their hair. “I don’t know, I wish I could give you an answer but… I don’t have one. We promised him we’d take care of eachother, didn’t we?” They nodded. “Then I promise, that even if the whole world abandons you, I’ll stay by your side.”
“Heh, that’s cheesy,” They giggle slightly. “But the same goes for me, I’ll always be by your side, no matter what.”
“Good,” he kissed their forehead, “now get up! We'll just have to catch Clay’s killer together.”
0 notes
eldritchamy · 27 days
I think I've figured out a good way to articulate one of the reasons Human Domestication Guide is hitting for me in a way really not much else has done for a long time.
HDG is an inverse fandom.
Whereas a lot of fanfiction (maybe just for the sake of the pun we can expand outwards, wink, and call them "transformative works") takes at the core of its nature a specific character or group of characters, and then transplants (sorry, I had to) those characters into Alternate Universes in order to keep telling altered, revised, and original stories with those CHARACTERS, while changing everything else, HDG does the opposite.
It takes the SETTING as the core defining feature, and creates original CHARACTERS in order to tell original stories.
And that's really cool for reasons that, of course, ended up becoming another gigantic one of Amy's Patented Infodump Posts.
Most fanfiction gets to appeal to its audience because of the associations and attachments readers have for the CHARACTERS, and then create a new story from there without having to spend time setting up WHO THE STORY IS ABOUT for you. I don't say this as a bad thing, that's just the attraction. The readers bring their attachment to the characters WITH them before they start reading.
HDG gets to assume you understand the SETTING as a basic premise, and then tell new stories with original characters without having to hold your hand through as much of the set up work, because you already know the SETTING going in.
So instead of discovering how the characters you know relate to a world you don't (and to each other within that context), you get stories where you get to discover who the characters ARE, in the context of a world you already understand.
It's not "what does a different setting do to these characters." It's "how do different people navigate this setting."
You get to meet and learn and identify with the CHARACTERS because you see how they as unique people react to a set premise.
So much of what I've read so far has done exceptional work establishing who the characters are, even making MINOR characters within the story feel like fleshed out people.
You'd think in a setting that takes at face value the premise of humanity being subjugated and doted on by a species that uses mind control drugs to turn them into docile, obedient pets, the stories would struggle a bit with sameness as the individuality of the characters failed to shine through or were inevitably suppressed over the course of the plot.
In practice, it seems like almost the OPPOSITE is true.
The Affini always win. But every character chooses to lose to them in a different way that speaks to who they are as people.
Getting to explore these unique stories through the eyes of unique characters seems like it's making it EASIER to latch on to what makes THESE characters the focus of the stories being told.
And so far the stories being told are fucking great, and have such a huge range to them.
The original story for the setting is a VERY non consensual medfet/drug play subjugation story where Elvira (captain of a ship for the Free Terran feralist rebellion) is ABSOLUTELY brought into domestication by force (at first), and we get to see the PROCESS of her being broken down and becoming something new over the course of (what we later learn has been ONLY) about three weeks. She's not the same person she was at the start of the story. At all. She's been utterly replaced by a new identity and personality that the old version of her would never have accepted. (Also it's kinda hot that it's actually good for her, and that she very much DOES end up happier for it. She's still Elvira. But she's safe, and she's loved.)
That's a pretty specific vibe for a story.
But the next story I read in the setting takes place over the course of several hours in-universe, and basically follows a dysfunctional, clearly neurodivergent woman stagnating in the limbo of having been failed by capitalism (or in her mind, failing at it) and having mixed feelings about the staggeringly powerful alien civilization that is currently part way through conquering her planet and its people.
The story starts off when she's so hungry after scraping through what scant, nutritionless garbage she was able to find in the capitalist dystopia that it finally overrides her fear, and she goes to the border of Affini-controlled territory in her city. She figures, they're going to do whatever they're going to do to the rest of the city within a few days anyway, so there's no sense pretending whatever outcome she's walking into wasn't inevitable, and even if it's not as good as the Affini promise, at least it's not what she's been stuck in. Fear of sameness finally becomes more traumatic than fear of change.
She proceeds to go on an adorable lesbian grocery date with a 10 foot tall plant that gently flirts with her while remaining very firm that all of this human's needs CAN and SHOULD and WILL be taken care of FOR her from now on, and it's OKAY that she has trouble focusing because it's OKAY that some people need more help than others.
She spends several chapters experiencing repeated Lesbian Bluescreens because of this sweet, doting alien who insists it's no trouble at all and she's happy to help. Then said alien takes her back to her apartment on the human side to make sure she feels safe getting there through the anti-Affini protests, and then in a matter of minutes she has cleaned this girl's entire disaster of an apartment and promised to cook her a nice Terran pizza.
Then the girl has a lesbian panic attack while coming to terms with how much misery she didn't have to be living with, and whether this future isn't exactly what she always hoped for and more, so the alien offers to give her some alien drugs to calm her down, and her now fuzzy brain accidentally crumbles under the weight of all the secret petplay fantasies that have been turning her face red all morning and she accidentally calls the alien "Mistress", and then she goes home to THEIR place back in Affini territory with her new owner and gets absolutely spoiled until she falls asleep feeling safe and loved for the first time in her life.
COMPLETE tonal shift from the original story, but the LOGIC of the story is fully consistent with the setting. It's just a different character responding to that setting in a different way.
The range of what's possible is ENORMOUS.
I went from there to "two humans captured at different times struggle to find their way back to each other and end up with neural implants plugged into each other's brains by their shared Mistress, and the feedback loop helps them domesticate EACH OTHER" and then from there to a mostly historical context story about an Affini who lived for almost 300,000 years and how she feels about the Compact's role in everything they've done to the universe.
And then I got to read "I have to pretend to be a good little floret maid at an Affini Compact hotel because that's my Genius Spy Cover WHOOPS it turns out being a maid means getting teased and played with a lot WHOOPS, OHHhhh NOOOoo~ I'VE BEEN TURNED INTO A FREE USE HYPNO DOLL because EVERYONE KNEW I WAS A SPY THE WHOLE TIME, I'm going to resolve my mixed feelings by erotically betraying my co-conspirator so we can be floret girlfriends together," which was cute, funny, and INCREDIBLY hot.
Seriously, chapter 10 of that story. Holy FUCK. I think my brain has turned fully inside out. I had a DREAM kinda like it afterwards that I wish I could remember more of.
I guess my point is HDG is less like a fandom and more like DND.
It's a shared universe of collaborative storytelling, even if any individual work within it was made by one person.
You get to play within a core set of rules for how the setting works, but the stories that can come out of playing by those rules are so incredible and diverse and interesting, and I'm really enjoying getting to explore all of that within the context of a basic premise that has absolutely grabbed most of my kinks by the throat, stared menacingly into my eyes, and smirked knowingly.
Also it's INCREDIBLY queer and very obviously made specifically for gay autistic trans women who take progesterone, so I guess just like the rest of the little Terrans, I never stood a chance.
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moodymisty · 24 days
Request: Horus, full-on breeding kink, no teasin' or quickies. Straight up pound town on his wife. The full Lupercal Special. Leave that woman whimperin' and unable to walk. Put a baby in that oven Mister Warmaster 🫡
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Author’s note: I know it would largely be a horrid idea but I’d let all the Primarchs knock me up tbh.
Relationships: Horus Lupercal/Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, Breeding kink, Size difference, Slightly rough sex
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Horus watches his men work, detailing their upcoming route as they prepare to depart from Terran space.
While the primarch is more than capable of multi-tasking, of listening into multiple different voices all giving out different information with ease, he also finds himself drifting off a bit.
Due to the length of many of these crusades, Horus sometimes elects to leave you on Terra in his personal wing of the palace. You don't like it- he doesn't either - but knowing the danger of these unknown paths he does it for the sake of your safety.
He may not particularly like Dorn, at least his stiff and unfriendly personality, but he knows the man has built the greatest and most impenetrable fortress humanity has yet seen. It's one of the few places he can leave you where he won't worry.
This last evening, his final one with you for what will more than likely be months, he made sure to make it one that would be remembered.
"Horus! M-more, please, more!"
Knees almost by your ears Horus drove his cock into you as deep as he could possibly go and past it, listening to you squeal as the thick base of his cock stretched you almost impossibly wide. You felt so tight, warm and wet; Horus wonders in a sadistic, selfish way if your body has been ruined and reformed to fit only him by his rutting.
With each thrust the bed groaned, creaking and cracking for mercy. Imperium builders struggled to form beds that looked appealing to the eye and the aesthetic of the palace that could also hold the full weight of a primarch, and settled somewhere in the middle. Though that middle ground didn't account for the added force Horus has put onto it, the frame threatening to break if he continued.
"Greedy, greedy girl. I spoil you too much,"
Horus chuckled at you, at the way one of your hands gripped his forearm as he pressed your left thigh against your stomach. The other laid in a similar position, knees by your ears, while your other hand grasped the pillow behind you for some semblance of support against him.
"You want me to cum in you again? Are you going to command a primarch?"
Horus loves to joke that you are his princess; His love that he'll give the very stars to if you only asked. That it's cute when you try and command him with your quiet, gentle voice.
You nodded, squealing and moaning as Horus thrusts into you and his hips slapped against your bruised thighs over and over. He forced his cum out of you each time, what wasn’t shoved out by the size of his cock and leaking out of you was sloshing around inside of you, filled to the brim.
"I want to come back from this crusade and see you with child. I am going to make sure of it."
You incoherently whined as your nails dug into his skin, his balls slapping against your ass with each thrust.
He felt the way you tighten around him as you cum again, tears pricking in the corner of your eyes as his movements overstimulated you to almost pain. He could hear the dryness in your voice, from your whining and moaning, and you'll surely lose your voice tomorrow.
He had told you that you could be as loud as you wanted, but he wonders if you know that with astartes hearing, it's quite possible the guards outside could hear you. You would surely perish of embarrassment, but Horus is a boaster- and would love nothing more than for the entire palace and everyone inside of it hear how much you love when he fucks you.
“One more, Horus please one more,”
Horus chuckled. He wanted to give you one more; To fill you up one more time. He refuses to believe the Primarchs are sterile. You will get pregnant- he refuses to give in.
“Are you sure you have room? I don’t want you wasting it.”
He could feel how sticky you were, how much of his cum he had fucked out of you.
But he did give you one more despite his teasing, and one more after that, and only then did he finally pull out of you and listen to you whine in pain as the head of his cock popped past your entrance out of your abused cunt. More cum leaked from you without his cock to bully it inside, though he was sure it was only a fraction.
You fell asleep not long after.
He rose from his bed before the sun had risen, waking you up. The sleepy look on your face was so endearing as he kissed you goodbye, and you indeed had a sore voice. He had warned his men stationed as guard for his quarters that you were feeling a bit tired, woman’s troubles, and needed needed a few days of rest- they wouldn’t see much of you those few days. They didn’t pry or have any context and blindly accepted Horus’ orders, before he left some of his men on Terra and boarded The Vengeful Spirit satisfied.
"Will Lady Lupercal be alright on Terra?"
Tarik is the only member of the Mournival currently at the holotable, looking at his primarch with a typical astartes neutral expression. Horus' attachment to you has seemed to spread to them in some odd way, as if his geneseed did more than just alter their appearance; That they share a little bit of his emotions as well.
"I made sure she has everything she needs, she'll be fine."
Tarik gives an unimpressed hum. Horus raises his eyebrows and looks at the man curiously.
"You don't agree with my choice?" Tarik shakes his head, adjusting his jaw with a soft crack.
“The choice was not mine to make.”
Horus laughs. He can hear the discontent in his son's voice quite easily.
“She will be fine. I am sure we’ll have a letter from her soon enough.”
Returning back to the topic at hand Horus slots the memory of the previous night firmly in the back of his mind, where he could return to it later. These crusades always try his patience, so it'll be something to keep with him in those frustrating moments. To keep in mind what he has waiting for him.
He eagerly awaits for that letter; Hoping for it's content to show if all of his hopes and effort finally paid off.
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Imagine femme bot reader being a hugger/cuddler. Femme reader is also lovable, short, and childish, so they get a lot of admirers.
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No continuity or characters were given here but my brain just immediately went "Earthspark" and imagined Femme!Reader is also just a really loving and supportive teacher to the Terrans. LOTS of hugs and pats on the back when the kiddos do a good job. Not to mention every single Cybertronian in this continuity needs a hug I stg
Content Warning: Mentions of PTSD in this one. TBF that's probably a warning for a LOT of my stuff - there's robots be traumatized.
The Earthspark!Autobots recruiting a Femme!Autobot who is a smol, energetic cuddler would include...
Optimus has always been pretty casual about giving his cohorts pats on the back/side hugs/etc, but they don't so often respond to him as enthusiastically as you. They see him as this larger than life thing,  so it makes him really happy that you're so relaxed around him. Between that and how you make sure the Terrans receive physical reassurance, and the two of you become fast friends.
Elita-1 doesn't really initiate hugs, being more of a words person, but once she adjusts to how physical you are she will crush you with affection in return. She immediately gets the sort of bot you are and recognizes your warmth as strength. She will call anybody out who assumes your childish nature makes you naive. Speaking of which....
Megatron has zero idea how to deal with it when you straight up hug him in front of everybody for the first time, and it shows on his shocked face in a way he may never live down. During the war, he never let anybody that close, and while he's mellowed out a great deal now, most bots would be afraid or at least cautious to try being so affectionate with him. He's likely the most prone to assuming your demeanor means you're innocent, even if you've actually suffered from the war as much as anybody else.
Wheeljack ends up asking you for advice on being more open and warm with Twitch - it's not something that comes naturally to him, and he can tell physical reassurance does her a lot of good. You help him out and in return he often has a new gadget for you as a thank you present... to mixed results.
Bumblebee is the most hesitant around you at first - the last thing they need is another child running about, for Primus' sake. Autobots need to be mature and professional. But eventually, he realizes nothing about your sunny disposition keeps you from doing the job at hand just as well as the rest of the team, and from there it doesn't take him long to get attached. 
Arcee is the most like you in disposition AND size, so you two immediately click. She's not as much of a hugger as you, but will respond enthusiastically to a hug by straight up LIFTING you off the ground and swinging you about. The terrans LOVE when you two are teaching, because you're the most encouraging and least intimidating duo of any of the Autobots.
Please, for the love of Primus, give Grimlock a hug. He's not going to openly ask for one, but he needs one badly. He never acts too excited when you hug him but also never backs away or tells you to stop... and you notice the more you comfort him, the more likely he is to come to you when he's had a rough flashback or is otherwise just feeling out of sorts, and not so subtly sit or bend over in a way that makes it easy for you to reach up and hug him.
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tinydefector · 3 months
Was wondering if you could do some earth spark Megatron x reader, there isn't alot of them and I'd love to see what you could come up with.
The Malto's Neighbour
Megatron x human
Warning: none.
Wordcount: 1.6k
Megatron masterlist
Really hope you guys like this, and woo first piece for earthspark since I've started watching the series. Hope you guys enjoy the chaos which is to come.
The Malto's property is a busy one, Twitch yelling at the others as they practise. "Keep up slow poke Twitch's madly zips between the hay bales strewn across the yard, chassis buzzing with energy. "Gotta be faster than that, Jawbreaker!" She shouted gleefully, panels flared and fans roaring. 
Hashtag revved her engine competitively, darting around the yard in tight circles as she sought an opening to knock Thrust off his pedes laughter echoing from all of them. Nearby, Nightshade sculpted away as they planned out new projects. 
Dot smiles as she watches her kids run around the yard, and back and forth from the barn. "Play nice you lot!" She calls out while finishing her coffee. The sound of  propellers alerts her to Megatron's arrival. She looks out the other side of the widow with a smile as Megatron touches down. "Megs wasn't expecting to see you today" she calls out while walking out to meet him.
His optics scans the surrounding farmland, ensuring all remains secure within guarded borders, before his powerful lip components peel back in a fierce yet weary grin. "And risk missing the sparklings?" he retorts, striding over rust coloured soil towards the porch Dorothy stood on. 
His field pulses warmth upon seeing his friend, soaking in her calming company. “It is good to see you Dorothy” A gruff hum rumbles his massive frame, relaxing further.
"so optimus, has you playing babysitter today?" She asked with a smirk, trying to ruffle his plating. A scoffing snort bellows from Megatron's vents at the insinuation of playing nursemaid.
Twitch's laughter makes Megatron look up to watch as she flies around with Mo before their eyes and optics land on the ex-warlord. "Hi Mr Megatron!" A collection of voices call out, Dot laughs at her kids. "Believe it or not they seem to enjoy having you around, think they like you better than OP '' she states smugly. A rare soft chuckle rumbles from Megatron's frame. "Well if the Prime cannot appease youthful tastes, it seems his title means less than once assumed," he replies loftily, it earns him a small slap to his plating from Dorothy. 
Beside him, her own amusement rings sweet as Terran continues with their Shenanigans. Megatron's optics glint fondly. He didn't know how to voice his appreciation to the soldier turned ranger, she trusted him so willingly with her family and he would forever be thankful for that.  
Dot walks towards her work vehicle. "You gonna be alright dealing with all of them by yourself?. Alex shouldn't be far away" she replies while getting into the driver's seat and ready to head off to work. 
"Twitch Not fair only you and Nightshade can fly!" Hashtag calls out.
"Too bad bozo should have picked a better alt mode instead of a Ghost Van '' Twitch calls back as she takes off with their basketball before throwing in through the hoop.
This handful of newsparks posed no threat whatsoever, and he'd make sure they were protected while she was away.
"Worry not, I shall keep them entertained and out of trouble until your return" he rumbles, His massive frame shifts casually aside as Dot's vehicle rumbles past, optics following until taillights fade into rural tree line. Massive peds crunch soil as Megatron straightens, surveying once more. 
It's only once the kids mother has left do they go about doing their own things. 
Nightshade and Hashtag with little projects together. “Can you give me a tutorial on renovating?” Nightshade ask Hashtag as the two work away 
Jawbreaker finds himself sitting beside Megatron with Mo sitting in his lap. “But I never thought you had a grounded alt” Jawbreaker states while watching the ex Decepticon. “Much has changed since my time on cybertron and even while here on earth.” He starts. “I was once a miner, my Alt was that of a Mining Drill, it's only as of recently I've taken an alt mode of a flying type” he replies, a sad smile on his lips as he remembers. He's broken out of his memory when Twitch flies back in a panic. 
"There is someone on the property!, they didn't see me but i didn't stick around to get seen" She states and it makes all the young ones tense up. 
"You don't think it's GHOST again?" 
"It could be the neighbour!" Robbie states trying to calm everyone.
"Show me," he rumbles curtly to Twitch, striding toward the perimeter of the woodlands. His engine rumbles a warning growl. "Remain here. Stay out of sight, Little bird stay in drone mode in case it is GHOST."  The young terrans all retreat back into the barn watching. The wind whispers against his armour as he and Twitch move through the woods, Twitch stays close to Megatron's side hovering as they slowly scan the area. 
A loud whistle leaves a human as they move throughout the woodlands. "Bluey!" They call out while looking through the woods. "Blue! Come on!" They call before their eyes catch movements, they huff to themself moving closer hoping to find their dog. 
As they turn down another track they freeze when Scarlet optics linger on them, their body goes into fight or flight mode but instead of either they sand frozen to the spot hoping they hadn't been seen. Megatron freezes as well, optics narrowing to analyse the stranger before him. No weapon was drawn, but their presence alone was alarming. A low menacing growl rumbles leaves his intake, Twitch hovers over his shoulder plate quick to hide behind his back as she transformers, ember optics watching the human from behind Megatron as she clings to the large Mech. 
"Explain your business here, human," he demands. "You trespass" Twitch's faint glow flickers beside him, awaiting the answer that could mean swift action, depending on what the human said would decide how quickly she would fly back to the barn.
They fall to the ground moving backwards quickly. "BLUE!!" They shout loudly. The sound of heavy footsteps crunching against branches, leaf litter and rocks follow before a large cybernetic Dog stands in front of the human growling at Megatron. Its ears are pinned back as it barks loudly at the large Mech, guarding their human. 
Twitch's optics widen in shock. “No way you have a Robodog!” she squeals out in delight only for Megatron to make sure she stays behind him. 
 Megatron's optics narrow as he watches the Metal dog and vice versa. Bright blue optics watch his every move, the creature looked like a merge of cybertronian tech yet at the same time his scans said it was something different.
"Explain," he rumbles again, optics narrowing upon the trespassers. Loyalty to one's charge he respected, if nothing else. But his main concern was his charges and their safety. More footfall alerts Megatron to one of the children running towards them. Robbie pants as he catches up to Megatron, his eyes going wide when he sees his neighbour. “DON'T BLAST OUT NEIGHBOUR!" He yells loudly.
"You know them?" he asked Robbie who nodded. "Yea they leave across the woods, their another one of my Parents friend's!" He states only to flinch as the cyberdog sniffs him. its ears perk up and whines at the young man waiting for a pat. "Robbie?" The other human calls out in shock.
“Um Hey!, sorry about him” Robbie says sheepishly while patting the dog's face. "Um... when did you get a robot dog?" He asked his neighbour, they let out a groan as they continued laying on the ground. Crimson optics scan the pair, A rumbling purr vibrates his massive chassis, posture shifting from confrontational to watchful. "You seem acquainted. Explain yourselves further - why have these 'neighbours' not been introduced before now?" He asked Robbie. 
The young man turns back to Megatron. "Because the terrans are hiding from GHOST, Megatron," He states, but the shock of reality finally kicks in after he says those words. "We are all gonna be in deep shit when mom gets home," he says in a panic. Twitch perks up. "Ohhhhh, Robbie said a bad word! I'm telling mom!!" She shouts while flying out from behind Megatron's shoulder.
"Troubles abound it seems," he finally replies, his tone modulated into something approaching conciliatory. "Explanations are due. But not here, it isn't safe out here." Crimson optics scan the forest shadows. 
That's how they end up sitting in the Kitchen of the Malto's house with both Robbie and Mo, along with the Terrans watching them from windows and Megatron sitting on the ground beside the house watching. They slowly sip on their drink as the kids look at them with worry. "You're not going to tell anyone about the bots right?" Mo asked.
"What!, no, no! That would put Blue in more danger, I'm out here hiding him for the Government" they state. It makes all the terrans relax before questions fly about themself and their cyberdog. 
Megatron scans Blue appraisingly where the cyber-hound lies on the Doorstep near his Pede. He had never seen anything like this creature. He had his run in with turbofoxs and other creatures like on cybertron, but this one almost reminded him of Ravage in how protective they were of their human.
A sigh vents softly from Megatron's frame, he reaches out slowly running a servos over the dog's back which makes the mutt huff, before it rolls over in delight, soft chafing noises leave them. 
It's only when Alex returns that he realises something is up. "Kids... what's going on?" He asked his children. The older of the collect waves. "Um Hey Alex, you might wanna sit down" they call out to him. He nearly drops his shopping bags when he sees the Metallic Dog.
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Enjoy the Art of Blue.
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in1-nutshell · 11 months
Bot Buddy the Autobot who’s unexpected Conjux is Soundwave
SFW, mentions of injury but not specified, platonic, romantic, Cybertronian/ Bot reader
Transformers Earthspark
Autobot Buddy and Soundwave were Conjux Endura shortly before the war broke out, they never made the relationship public. There was too much at risk, especially when tensions on both sides heightened.
Tension between them both rose when discussing which side was better to side with.
“What will it be then? Its clear we both can’t agree on a side. What do we do?”--Soundwave
“… we join different sides.”--Buddy
“We join different sides.”--Buddy
“Yes I heard that but—”--Soundwave
“We do that. We pick a side in the war. We stay alive for each other and when someone win, we vouch for the other to come join peacefully.”--Buddy
“…it sounds like a good plan…but what about Us, Buddy? I’m concern on what will happen to Us in this war.”--Soundwave
“Don’t worry. We will be fine, as long as we have the bond, as long as we have each other alive, we will be fine. Just take care of yourself and the mini’s, can you do that?”--Buddy
“I will and…I trust you Buddy… I love you so much, my Spark.”
“I love you too Soundwave… Now and beyond the Allspark.”—Buddy
Buddy went off and joined the Autobot’s and Soundwave and the minicon’s joined the Decepticon’s. Never once telling anyone of their relationship, they promised each the other their safety and they were going to keep it.
Soundwave had set up a private link between them to keep in contact.
“How was work today? Are you feeling, okay?”--Buddy
“Work was… adequate… and yours?”--Soundwave
“Things are getting harder I’m not going to lie… I miss you…”--Buddy
“…I miss you too…”--Soundwave
“Tell Buddy I said hi!”--Frenzy
“Tell them we all miss them!”--Lazerbeak
“Lazerbeak enough—”--Soundwave
“…Frenzy, Lazerbeak and Ravage say hello…”--Soundwave
It got harder to keep contact as the war grew longer, especially when both factions came to Earth. Suddenly it was just radio silence from Soundwave. Buddy was upset and concern at the lack of radio response but there was nothing they could do now without drawing too much attention to the both.
“Hey Soundwave? Are you listening? Things have gotten out of control at HQ… its almost funny…”--Buddy
A few days later…
“Soundwave? Are you here? Listen can you give me some sort of sign that your okay? Are the mini’s okay? Please answer as soon as you can.”--Buddy
A few days later…
“Soundwave… please… any sound would do… please just let me know you’re okay… love you, now and beyond the Allspark…”--Buddy
Buddy meets the Terrans and Maltos and they are both delighted and horrified that there’s literal sparkling’s running around with other children in a sketchy base.
“Buddy these are the Maltos and the Terrans I was talking to you about.”--Optimus
“Hi!”--Terrans and Maltos
“…Prime, Megatron, Elita-One… Mind explaining to me why there are literal Sparklings running around!?--Buddy
“You know what I don’t. C’mere kids let me introduce myself.”--Buddy
They don’t trust GHOST at all and refuse to wear a GHOST badge. Buddy wears their Autobot badge proudly. They agree with Megatron in advocating for better treatment of “prisoners”. It’s one of the few things they can agree on.
“This isn’t right. Even if they are Decepticon’s, they don’t deserve to be treated like this.”--Buddy
“I agree. Something needs to be done about this.”--Megatron
“…Can’t believe I just agreed with you on something.”—Buddy
Besides agreeing to protect Dot and her family at all costs. They try to visit the Terrans and Maltos as much as possible. It was such a regular occurrence that they got their own bunk in the Dugout.
“Kids? What’s all this?”--Buddy
“Surprise!”—Terrans and Maltos
“Woah! What’s is this?”--Buddy
“Well, you’ve been coming over so much and staying almost regularly now. We all decided to make you your own place here!”--Robie
Yeah, now you don’t have to go back to the base and we can have even more sleepovers!”--Mo
“Do you not like it?”--Thrash
“Maybe it’s the color?”—Nightshade
“No can’t be that.”--Twitch
“Maybe it needs another pillow?”--Jawbreaker
“How about another family portrait?”--Hashtag
“Wait guys hold it.”--Robie
“Buddy? Are you crying—”--Mo
Things were going great for Buddy. Enough to occupy their mind from the pain in their spark. One mission got them hurt really bad. They refused to go to GHOST for medical attention.
“I’d rather have Starscream scream in my audials for an hour than set a foot near GHOST.”
Now they were at the Dugout fighting to stay conscious. Due to the power of plot convenience, they need a jumpstart their spark, which would be possible if they weren’t bonded. Being bonded meant that the other that was bonded would have to jump them with a shock through their spark bond. Which would be great but Buddy won’t tell.
“Wheeljack what needs to happen? I feel like I’m dying here.”--Buddy
“Wrong choice of words. My bad kids.”--Buddy
“Well since you’re bonded, that means that your Sparkmate need make the jump with you. So now the only thing we need to know is the Sparkmate.”--Wheeljack
“…Yeah that’s not going to happen.”--Buddy
“Buddy, did you understand what Wheeljack said? You are going to die if your Sparkmate doesn’t come an do the jump. We don’t know who it is, you need to tell us!”--Dot
“…sorry Dot…but like I said, that’s not going to happen.”--Buddy
Buddy made a dumb promise but they are sure going to keep the last thing they had with Soundwave. Optimus, Bumblebee, Arcee, Grimlock, and Elita are trying to remember if Buddy had mentioned their Conjux before in their ranks.
“Lets see… Ironhide?”--Optimus
“… Cliffjumper?”—Elita-One
“No.”-- Bumblebee
“Maybe its Jazz.”--Grimlock
“Gears? Ratchet?”—Arcee
“No cant be either of them.”--Bumblebee
“Okay then what’s your idea then?”--Arcee
Wheeljack and Megatron are trying to look through the database of Teletran 1 for any alternative to the medical procedure.
Meanwhile the Terrans are trying to tend to every need Buddy has to the best of their ability.
Robbie and Mo are at both sides of Buddy’s head rubbing it softly as they wince from time to time from the pain.
“C’mon Buddy. Can’t you just tell us?”--Robie
“Please Buddy. Please?”--Mo
“Sorry—urgh—kiddos. No can do.”--Buddy
It’s Alex who brings up the possibility of Buddy’s Conjux not being an Autobot at all.
“I mean what if Buddy’s significant other isn’t an Autobot at all? What if they are human or a Decepticon? Relationship between factions have definitely happened before right?”--Alex
There’s silence and its being considered. Buddy groaning in pain breaks the silence. Megatron heavily considers it, suddenly wondering how many of his own troops entered interfraction relationships.
“No, they—”--Megatron
Suddenly remembers Deadlock and how he would always single out Ratchet in many battles.
“…You know it might be possible…”--Megatron
Megatron asks Hashtag to send a specific message through a cryptic frequency and starts heading out of the Dugout. Dot, Optimus, and Bumblebee follow him, meanwhile the rest stayed to monitor and look for other cures just in case.
Megatron, Dot, Optimus, and Bumblebee reached a clearing a bit far from the house. Not a moment too soon, Soundwave came into view and transformed in front of them deploying Frenzy, Ravage and Lazerbeak standing their ground. The Autobots reach for their weapons, but Megatron tells them to lower them and takes a step forward towards Soundwave.
“Megatron. What is the meaning of this traitor?”--Soundwave
“We need your help.”--Megatron
“Give me one good reason to help you.”--Soundwave
“For old time sake, one favor.”--Megatron
“…What is it?”--Soundwave
“We need to know any Decepticon’s who have Conjux Endura’s—”--Megatron
“That is out of the question. You do not have the right to know about their affairs.”--Soundwave
“So, you do know?”—Megaton
“Of course, but I will not tell you.”--Soundwave
“Save it Prime!”--Frenzy
Soundwave turns to leave with his minicons, which is when Dot snaps. She wasn’t about to lose a dear friend like this, no not like this.
“Buddy’s dying!”—Dot
This statement stops the Decepticon’s right in their tracks.
“Listen, they don’t have much time. They got hurt real bad last mission. They need their Conjux to help them with the medical procedure.”--Dot
 “We don’t know who they are Soundwave. Buddy will not tell us who they are. I will not lose anymore bots when we have a fighting chance. Right now, you are our only way of finding them. Without your help they are going to die.”— Optimus
“Soundwave we wouldn’t be asking you for anything if it weren’t dire. We don’t have the luxury of time because that is something Buddy doesn’t have right now! So, are you going to help or not?”—Bumblebee
The mini’s are looking at their boss in some sort of desperation before Soundwave transforms and agrees to help.
Everyone was ready to move to another location but were surprised when Soundwave asked where Buddy was. That’s when the other realized the shocking truth. Soundwave was Buddy’s Conjux.
They arrive at the Dugout and enter its doors. The Terrans are immediately on guard seeing Soundwave, especially when Buddy yelps in pain squeezing their optics close not knowing who was in the room.
“Calm down he is here to help Buddy.”--Megatron
“What so is he—”-- Thrash
Soundwave had never felt so much regret of not contacting his Conjux for so long than that moment. He calls to them, this causes Buddy’s optics to snap open in disbelief.
The mini’s came out and started shooing everyone out of the room. Wheeljack gives Soundwave quick instructions on how to do the jump starting before also exiting the room.
Now it’s just Buddy and Soundwave
Soundwave is getting the equipment ready when Buddy calls him over and apologizes for bringing him here where he and the mini’s could get captured. Soundwave finishes setting up the equipment and grabs Buddy’s servo as the process began.
“I’m sorry—”--Buddy
“I apologize—”--Soundwave
“You can go first.”--Soundwave
“I’m sorry for getting you into this mess, you and the mini’s.”--Buddy
“Apology not needed. I should be the one apologizing. If I’d had known… If I had kept in contact…”--Soundwave
“…Can we just forgive each other? I don’t want my last moments here to be just pointless apologizes on childish things we both did.”--Buddy
“You’re not going to die. Not when I have a say in it, my spark. I… I missed you, my spark.”--Soundwave
“I love you too, now and beyond the Allspark.”—Buddy
They both begin talking and catching up on some things. Before they knew it, the procedure had finished, and Buddy was going to make a full recovery.
After the procedure was done, they both walked out servo in servo. The mini’s as it turned out had told the Team a bit about their relationship.
“Yeah, so one time Soundwave thought it was a good idea to fly with Buddy around sunset. But he didn’t know that—”--Lazerbeak
“Soundwave! Buddy!”—Frenzy
Everyone there was shocked by the story, but they eventually got over the shock. The longest one to come out of the shock is Megatron. He feels guilty and so blind. How could he not have seen this coming, especially from Soundwave?
Soundwave lets Buddy have one more squeeze before getting the mini’s in his chest compartment. He turns to leave, but he stopped after hearing Dot’s voice.
“You can stay the night here? I think it would be good for Buddy if they knew you were here.”--Dot
“And if you are worried about GHOST, their radar doesn’t come by here. It’s perfectly safe.”—Megatron
He pauses for a minute. Looks back at Buddy and then the setting sun. one night wouldn’t hurt, right? He turns to Megatron stating that if this was a trap, that there would not be a planet he could go to hide from him. With that he swooped in and carried Buddy bridal style and marches into the Dugout as he deployed his mini cons to have fun on the farm.
Meanwhile Soundwave and Buddy cuddled on one of the medical slabs all night long.
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random-fandom1984 · 6 months
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Request are open!
●Fluff ●Yandere ●Angst ●Crossovers ●Character x Reader ●Character x Character ●References to other fandoms ●Comfort ●Headcanons ●Reader/Character from one dimension/universe getting sent to a different one (tfp x tfa, trollhunters x zak storm, etc)
●others to be added
●NSFW ●Pedophilia ●Incest ●Certain sensitive topics (rape, abuse, etc) ●Other's OC's (I don't have the confidence to do that)
General: - Predacon! Reader in TFA
Optimus Prime - Wattpad Story: Deadly Voice - Yandere! TFP! & TFA! Optimus x Chubby! Gn Reader Ratchet Prowl Bumblebee Bulkhead Jazz Jettwins Ultra Magnus Megatron Starscream (+clones) Lugnut Blitzwing Blackarachnia/Elita-1 Grimlock Wreck-Gar Soundwave Longarm Prime/Shockwave - All It Takes Is A Potion to Show How Much I'm Obsessed With You Wasp/Waspinator
Optimus Prime - Yandere TFP! & TFA! Optimus x Chubby! Gn Reader Ratchet Arcee Cliffjumper Smokescreen Bumblebee - Bumblebee x SG! Cybertronian Reader Bulkhead Wheeljack Ultra Magnus Megatron - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Starscream - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Soundwave - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Shockwave - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Predaking - Decepticons Meets Sparklings 5t3v3(Steve) - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Knockout - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Breakdown - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Dreadwing - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Arachnid Unicron
Optimus - Sparklings Megatron - Sparklings Bumblebee - Sparklings Elita-1 - Sparklings Soundwave - Sparklings Shockwave - Sparklings Tarantulas - Sparklings Terrans(PLATONIC ONLY) Swindle Starscream
Optimus Prime - Calling Optimus Prime Dad Prowl Jazz Bumblebee Ratchet Megatron Starscream Skywarp Thundercracker Reflector Soundwave - Soundwave x Cybertronian Reader Part 1 Shockwave Grimlock Unicron Other Autobots and Decepticons
Optimus Primal Rattrap Rhinox Cheetor -His Sea Goddess (Cheetor x Cybertronian Reader with an Octopus alt-mode) Dinobot Megatron Tarantulas Waspinator
Bumblebee Sideswipe Strongarm Fix-it Grimlock Drift Steeljaw Thunderhoof Fracture Underbite Saberhorn
Orion Pax/Optimus Prime D-16/Megatron B-127/Bumblebee Elita-1 Starscream Soundwave Shockwave Sentinel Prime
Mk Mei Red Son Jin & Yin Spider Queen Azure Lion Macaque Sun Wukong Nezha Syntax Huntsman Goliath (Strong Spider) Peng Lady Bone Demon Not Mayor
Zak Storm (PLATONIC ONLY) Cece Crogar Clovis (PLATONIC ONLY) Caramba (PLATONIC ONLY) Calabrass (PLATONIC ONLY) Golden Bones
Angor Rot Gunmar Bular Aaarrrgghh Blinky (Blinkous) Nomura Draal Krel Tarron & Aja Tarron (PLATONIC ONLY) Varvatos Tronos Madu Zadra Zeron Alpha Nari Skrael Bellroc
Cookie Run Kingdom
Gingerbrave (PLATONIC ONLY) Wizard Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Strawberry Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Custard Cookie Ⅲ (PLATONIC ONLY) Chili Pepper Cookie Licorice Cookie Poison Mushroom Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Dark Choco Cookie Red Velvet Cookie Pomegranate Cookie Dark Enchantress Cookie Pure Vanilla Cookie White Lily Cookie Hollyberry Cookie Golden Cheese Cookie Dark Cacao Cookie Princess Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Knight Cookie (PLANTONIC ONLY) Caramel Arrow Cookie Crunchy Chip Cookie Affogato Cookie Captain Caviar Cookie Black Pearl Cookie/White Pearl Cookie Shadow Milk Cookie Mystic Flour Cookie
Others to be added
Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake
Fionna Cake (PLATONIC ONLY) Gary Marshall Lee Scarab Prismo Simon (PLATONIC ONLY) Marceline (Vampireworld version) Bonnibell Bubblegum (Vampireworld version)
WHEN REQUESTING (More rules will be added later):
●Include the fact whether or not your request is platonic or romantic; If romantic, is Y/n or character in a relationship, and if not, who is the romantic interest(s)?
●Give me some of the plot of what you're thinking for your request. If you don't, and I don't know what you want it to be about, or I can't think of what to make up- Example:
Optimus x Reader. Angst. Reader is male.
I don't know what the plot should be, or what it should involve. Like, if it's good enough that I can think of what it could be, then yeah, sure, but that will be a rare chance with me. But if it's like this- Example:
Aaarrrgghh x Reader. Comfort. Basically, the reader has had a bad day at work/school, and the two of them just cuddle and enjoy the silence in each other's arms, slowly falling asleep.
Then I will be able to think of how it can go because you gave me what you want to include in your request, but now how, I will be able to get behind that.
● I can make the reader be based off of another character, like- Examples:
-Vox! Reader in Trollhunters
-Reader as Ratchet's little sister in Transformers: Generation 1
Anything! Whatever you want as long as it's allowed.
●If your request involves something that isn't allowed, then it will be ignored.
That's everything for now! Request away!
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ikkosu · 6 months
Earthspark bumblebee is currently rotting my brain from the inside out so could I ask for so fluffy fem shyer human and bumblebee who are crushing hard for each other but keep both of them keep prolonging confessing to the other the terrans realize what's going on and take it upon themselves try to get them to confess their feelings to each other
bumblebee x shy!fem!reader
a/n: tfe bee is so big brother energy 😭 he reminds a lot of what rid bee could be. I had a lot of fun writing this ! totally didn't rewatch all the bee scenes to get his character right,,,,,totally didn't. (I don’t write fluff often so i treid my best I swear)
"When are you gonna suck it up like a man and confess?"
Twitch startled you from above as the whirs of her fan hummed gently, hovering around you in her alt-mode.
"C'mon! What're you gonna say, huh? Turn away from the problem like you always do?"
Gloved hands, scathed with dirt, halted in the midst of pulling out a persistent weed. You feel your temple burn, a nervous laugh bubbled from your throat as your fingers plunged into the soil once more, pawing around to find the root of the problem.
"Hey! Don't ignore me!".
"I don't know what you mean."
When you did find the source, delicately you curled your fingers into the crevices, balling the soil then, with a huff, yanked the roots out. You're careful not to damage the nearby flowers.
When confronted at the baselines of your problems, you often churn into a sputtering mess. Sometimes, you have to clarify that no, you’re not angry, or no you’re not daunting — that’s your facial expressions constricting. Because if you don't. You're going to cry. And you're going to cry lots over matters daintier than an atom.
"Twitch. Really you are trying." You sigh when the drone nudged your back.
A quick zip-zap of metallic whirs and she’s in her usual form, yellow eyes ablaze, arms crossed, leaning over with a scowl. Her hips jutted out, sassed-esque — a pose Dorothy used often when she's mad.
"I appreciate your concern but—"
“Dont even try to push it away. I'm not stupid." She prods, getting up to your face. Really, this adorable thing is half a step away from making you ostrich-dunk your head into the soil. "Oh, let me guess : tongue, tied? Busy thinking about a certain someone? Someone, or a bot so yellow like the sun, it’s blinding your eyes?”
You don’t even know where to begin. So, you look into the soil really hard, like you’re trying to find something worth focusing on. Oh, look. A worm. Bingo.
"I'm going to eat that worm if you're not going to look at me."
"Twitch—" You began.
Then, she’s shoved away.
"Sorry, you see. Wh-what she's saying is that, well, you know—" Thrash nudged his head into view, twiddling his thumbs as a demure, placating smile eased on his soft face. "...it's high time you...tell 'im how you feel?"
This time you want to plunge your head into the soil. It’s not a want, it’s a need. The scent of earth was purging strong, beckoning you with it's heed, as you, yet again, choke back another sound. You laugh, nervous. God, this earthworm! So, interesting. Haha. So...so...er. Hm.
"Pshh. How I feel? I feel fine."
"I mean...about your, uh, crush on bee."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
Twitched groaned, rolling around the grass all the way from the stack of hays to the tip of your boots. Then, she repeated the motion, each rant about your supposed love life —also, none-existent, if you will— becoming more fervent. That is, until Thrash had plucked her up by the arm pits and she fell limp like a doll in his hold.
" You said you’d be nice about it."
"What’s there to be nice about?! They’re being so smushy mushy , oh darling so lovely, it's giving me the critters!” She growled, clawing the air
You stood up with an uncertain hunch in your shoulder. You’re still holding the clump of soil in your rubber gloves, back taut and jaws slacked. The earthworm was gone, buried in the soil somewhere. You hoped it had a a nice stay unsurfaced for once — and you really should keep twitch away from Wheeljack. She's even swearing, now. She swears!
“Come on, now Twitch. It isn’t so bad.” You say quietly, not trusting yourself to yell at the skies in full volume. Really, you’ll disentigrate.
“You don’t get to talk, wuss.”
“Mom said be nice. A person’s word is like a kni—“
"Yeah, well she's a liar!" You shrunk asher digit juts your way. "That's gotta breach the fifteenth rule, right? A whole machete stab?"
Thrash seemed surpise. "You actually remember the rules."
You're exasperated. "What rules? And, what on earth are you both talking about?"
"Don't play dumb with me!"
"Really, I'm not." Oh my god, are you really having a verbal spar with a — with a child of all bots that's half your size?!
"Oh, yeah? Then why you're nervous, huh? If you're not nervous then you've got nothing to hide."
"I'm not nervous." You said, blinking profusely.
Twitch made a face. "You're gardening."
"The grass looked bad."
"You garden when you're nervous."
You feel your lungs gave out. Your inner you's are bouncing around in your skull, panicking and screaming in disbelief. Alarm signals, blaring inside. How did she know?!
"N..no? I garden when I'm....happy." You kick the ground sheepishly. Bad call. The soil tipped over a your hold, little dots of brown mingled with the grass. Oh, dear.
"Happy? Please. You're nervous because big 'ol bee didn't have the spark to confess to missy sweet spark with barely any roots to hold herself." Twitch huffs. She's getting to sassy for her own good — "And so are you, wuss."
"We're friends!" You said, though the term was lacking. "Normal friends. Buddy, even. Buddy friends...haha...."
Thrash stiffens.
Twitch deadpans.
Both at the same time uttered : "Really?"
They're hiding in a bush. A bush of all places. No, not the tree, obscured by the leaves and a leverage with the branches. Or, whatever hiding place is deemed suitable for this operation. A bush. Can you believe that?
Fluffy Ears nestled herself on the grass, curious eyes skimming over the several Terrans peeking over the bush. Thrash brought it upon himself to hide in the barn because, as per his words, a good spy needs a good hiding place.
The only good thing about his 'prowling' tendencies is the fact he falls asleep during these so-called covert operations. Which is why he gets most of the ranks during training. What a scammer.
Jawbreaker was too large to hide behind a,ugh, bush so he was demoted to simply standing a few meters back, loitering by the fence.
Twitch feels something poking her rib plate. Can't the spot get any more cramped? "Nightshade, I swear to Primus—"
"Hush! There he is! The first move. Hashtag, commence operation : video!"
"That's not even—"
"On it!" Hashtag wrangled out the most, honest to Unicron, humongous camera in existence.
Silence veiled the three Terrans as they spot the yellow black approaching their resident gardener-who-normally-comes-at-the-weekends-and-bee-is-distraught-over-that-fact, tending the newly planted flowers by the hedge.
"So, I was wondering..." He's stretching on his toes, not exactly looking at you.
How could he? Everytime he so much as to catch a glimpse of your face, he feels like tripping over his own pedes and burrowing himself into the ground until comets rain, the world in flames — and god knows when would Primus let him out again.
"You need something, bee?" You swivel up, pawing your apron to get off the dirt from your gloves.
But he looks confused, optics lowered downwards, brows furrowed. You look as well, then up.
"Yellow, huh." He looks away, pointing to your torso.
You look down again then realized what he meant. Your face burns with a vengeance.
"My other apron broke." You try not to stammer but it's proven futile as an amused smile eased over his face. "A-alex decided to give me his, well, you know one of his precious merch which...is typically your...um face on it. If it makes you uncomfortable—"
"No! Gosh, no. You can wear it all you want. I'm just surprised, that's all. You never really... Besides, it's nice...." He looks down and kicks the grass a little, servos behind his back. "It...suits you well."
At the compliment you look up, hoping not to make eye contact, but he does as well and you're both held at a stalemate. His round almond optics droop. For a moment, his lips part, then it shuts. He looks down, avoiding your gaze.
Is he... flustered? At that thought, you fisted the apron, bunching it a little. You look away, hiding the way you smiled a little. " ...It's a pretty color. Yellow, I mean. Honeybee. I love bees."
He looks back up, blue optics flared, and into your eyes. His chassis did those little backward flips and, he swears to Primus, he'll simply disintegrate. You're a lovely color too.
Bee flinched the moment you turn to him at break neck speed, sputtering, eyes wide and face, all the more flustered.
"What?" He said that out loud. He said it. Out. Loud. He held up his servos. "I-i meant it's a lovely color. As in, you know, you're a lovely color so like when you said yellow was a lovely color. I thought— What I mean by that is— Oh, forget it." He lets out a deep vent. "It's been a long day. Sorry."
"You're fine. It's fine, I mean." You said. When silence veils over you both (Twitch really wants to strangle you, right now) you speak up again, quietly. "You were going to ask something...?"
His door wings pike up in surprise, much to his chagrin.
"Oh, right. Forgot about that." He coughed and cleared his throat. " I was wondering If you were...you know..." Gosh, what's that word. "Freethisweekend?"
It was so quick and quiet, you didn't really grasp much of what he uttered. “I got free— what's the next—"
"This weekend." He said, then trailed off. "Free... this weekend."
"Oh..." You look to the ground, hands primly folded behind your back.
"To... ah,” Just ask her out. Just ask her out. Worse she can say is no and no. No is fine! If you don't ask, you'll never know. That's what Elita said, right? Right? He sags. She said a lot of things.
He decides to go in for the kill but the moment he met your eyes, your pretty eyes, your temple grew warm, like really warm. He feels his own face burning and he starts stumbling over his words. “Free to. To go. To, um, a, well, a...d—dah, dah, duh, die, no! A, ah, diversion! Yes! Right. Diversion."
A domino effect of forehead slapping commenced. Bee, you fool! Twitch was wrangled back by Hashtag from leaping over the bush.
"Diversion?" Your face furrowed.
"With the....Terrans!" He snapped his servos. " Right, the Terrans. You know, a new lesson I made. Figured you'd be there for support. It's all about the essence of....diversion."
You stand there, mouth opening then closing. "...Sure, I guess. What time?"
"Anytime you're free." He says it, almost breathlessly.
You blink. "I thought it was a scheduled lesson."
His door wings pike up again. He groaned internally. "Oh, yeah. Yeah, uh. Yeah. Right. Schedule….schedule…So, how's ten tommorow? I'll round up the kids by then."
"Sounds good."
"Good. Good. See you....later."
You wave, then turned around, rounding the corner of the house. The moment you did, your face crumbled and you hid your face into your palms, a whine seethed inside your throat. Bee, however, pressed his helm against his servo, sighing.
How did I messed that up so badly?
Meanwhile, in the bush.
"Cut the film, Hash." Twitch resigned.
"But he could push on!"
"I highly doubt that." Nightshade was already crawling away.
Jawbreaker clicked thought the comms. "I saw yellow leaving. Is everything alright?"
"Nothing. Is Thrash dead? Thought so. Saw his head peeking out from the barn. Someone get him, please."
And, while they're all about to regroup. Twitch just had the perfect idea. It's about time she takes matters into her own hands.
Night plunged the skies, freckled with stars reflecting off his windshield as he rolled underneath the veil of darkness.
"Bee quick! Come to the barn! A problem just came up!"
"Twitch?" He was about to scale another ramp when he halted midway, changing course immediately. "C'mon talk to me. What's the problem?"
"Just come! It's urgent!"
Seeds of inky doubts blotched into his mind. The little runt had a lot of tricks up her sleeves. Sure, she's a heavy hitter but also a decent liar. Last time she pulled off the same shtick he was pushed into a hole....filled to the brim with mud. He walked around the vicinity and stank like cow feces for days.
He really should stop letting twitch mingle with Wheeljack.
His wheels rolled up to a stop in front of the barn. The trees, inky black, loomed around the farm, towering above him. He felt a shudder up his spine. Leaves rustled. Crickets chirp. All was quiet. Too quiet.
"Twitch? Kids?" He slid the barn door aside, joints whirring with every step. Hay crunched under his pedes. " Ugh, not this again. Guys, seriously. If, if this, Primus who littered this place? If this is one of your jokes I swear to— huh?"
The basement door was open. A gaping hole, black and swarthy greeted his eyes. Who left that open? He took a step closer. "Guys? Are you in there? What's going on?"
Another step. Then another.
"Look, you can come out now. This isn't funny."
The hole grew bigger, bigger and— Footsteps pattered behind him. It was gentle but it drew alarm as Bumblebee whirled around. And, there she was. Twitch stood before him, a wide, chesire grin on her face. The moonlight illuminated her from behind, casting an ominous shadow that loomed In front of her figure.
He sputtered in confusion and felt two pedes connecting with his chest and he's sent stumbling back down the steps of Nightshade's underground lab. His shout of surprise was quickly drowned out when Twitch pulled the door shut.
"There! That'll do it." She grinned, fists on her hips. “You got that hash?”
“All on tape. Even his face too! Did you see how he looked like?” Hash stepped out of her hiding place, literally behind the hay. The original culprit of hay litter-er. "They're gonna be there for hours! Trapped in each other's embrace! Oohhhh this is so rad. You've seen those rom-coms, right? It's going be so funny when they come back out.”
"With result." Nightshade chirped, coming up beside them. "It's been awhile something has transpired. A change of the usual routine. Oh, the bore of waiting so long. As a scientist myself. I admit — it can get a little bothersome. Let's only hope the heat from the generator can keep them warm."
Silence. Hashtag feels two optics on her.
"Generator, what generator?"
"....Hashtag." They begin slowly. Twitch looks mortified.. "....Please tell me you didn't cut off the generator when I said only to cut off the vault."
Confusion furrowed her brows. "How else would the door be locked if I didn't?"
Twitch groaned, head into her palms.
Nightshade stares at the closed vault. "....Oh, dear."
"Unnfh!" His helm collided against the floor. Great. That’s just great. Mentor student. Mentor student! You don’t do this to your mentors! Annoyance bubbled inside his chassis and he grits his teeth. That is it. That is it. He’s had enough of her tomfoolery, her jokes, her tricks! Tommorow, he’s going to put her through hell and back—
“Bee?” He feels something warm touching his shoulder.
His helm swivels up, then his optics widens in surpise when your nose is inches away from his own. You make a flustered sound, suddenly falling back on your ass to put space between you both, embarrassed. “Sorry. I didn’t think you’d uh be that close.” Was a soft mumble. “The fall looked like it hurt. You okay?”
“Yeah, fine. I’m fine.” He breaths out, scrambling up to sit properly. He’s not sure what position, so he curled up his knee plates to his chassis. Your eyes are too…impossible to look at. “Think I broke a joint there.”
“You break joints too?”
He huffs a laugh, “You don’t think we do?” “I mean as in,” You gesture to his body, “ You know, cracking joints. Is it equivalent to me popping my knuckles? I saw you did it this morning when you stretch.” You trailed off, then shake your head. “Sorry, it’s a stupid question.”
“It’s fine. It’s not stupid. You’re not….stupid.” He clears his throat, “We also experience cramps. Tension in the joints when, well, like how a rusty hinged door won’t open up all the way.”
“Oh, that’s one way to put it.” You scoot a bit closer, pressing up against his leg. Bumblebee stiffens, servos moving over to stiffly cup your back to keep on you warm. The air was unusually chilly today. His quick scans showed the generator wasn’t working. Did the lights went out? His servos graze over your shoulders, massaging it a little, then behind your neck.
“And, and that one time. I don’t think you know him yet, he’s an old friend back during the war," He starts rambling for something to say anything to keep the conversation going, “His name’s Ratchet. Old bot forgot to oil up his pistons and couldn’t move for an entire day! Can you believe that? We had to carry him everywhere we went. Once, I was caught in the crossfire. Bullets were raining. Full on barrage. Nonstop. And he’s just like that, a plank of wood in my arms as I ran. You should’ve seen the look in his face!
“I can imagine he’s not happy,” A giggle bubbled in your throat. His audials perk up. “Yeah, I can tell. He’s a lot less crass in his manners when he dealt with me,” Bee leans a bit close, the servo skims down to your torso. “After all the bedgruding looks I’ve gotten from him — he’s got no choice but to give me special treatment of letting me off a few scolding.” “Oh? Why’s that,”
“I’m not exactly the prim and proper type.”
“My, my is bee the rebellious type?”
He lowers his voice into a playful whisper. “I had a phase, okay? Everyone does. Mine, though, it’s just worse than Arcee’s. She’s unhinged too but waaaay less moody. But don’t tell the kids that. I’m not going to have my name sullied, you hear?”
“Noted, officer. But I really can’t promised I’ll keep my mouth shut.”
He groans then a digit nudges your ribs. “No, really I’m serious. They’re going to kill me with that. I don’t want another incident to tarnish my reputation. Ive got Jawbreaker pestering me about how I made a mistake choosing my first alt-mode, I don’t need another slander. My feelings,” he says with a servo over his chassis, “they’re fragile.”
“Come on,” you leaned forward, cheek against his leg plate. Bee looks away, holding himself back from, well, squishing that…squishy part of your face. “It’s not so bad. The beetle looked adorable.”
“Beetle. Really? Beetle?” He looked almost offended you termed it that way.
“Isn’t that what it’s called?” He leans over and flicks your head. “I’d prefer it if you called it something else.”
You laugh. “I’ll bite, then. The Beatles?”
“No,” He said the words too fast, “Honey.”
You freeze. He freezes.
He did not just say that. Oh, no. He did not. He did not. When you look away that’s when he panicked. No! He’s not going to let the past few minutes go to waste! “As in yellow! Honey as in yellow!” He backpedaled, raising up his servos. “You know when I— when you said that, I was—" What’s up with him today? Then, he sags, muttering defeatedly. “It’s not what you think I meant to say.”
He’s blown it. Thrown it all down the drain. All his hard work now crumbled at the mere touch of his fingertips. You speak up after a moment, “What if…I wanted it to be what I think you meant?”
He looks at you again, surprise. He felt his spark clenching. This time you held firm eye contact despite your hands that were shaking. Think about gardening. Think about gardening. This is like that! Like he’s a flower. Gentle to hold. You steeled yourself and stood up on your toes, palms on his knee plates as you leaned in close.
“What did you meant?” You said softly.
His servos reached out to cup your cheek, curling his digits around the back of your hair. You leaned against his touch, closing your eyes. It was warm. His touch was warm. Pulsing and thrumming against your face.
“What I meant is that you’re someone important to me.” Then, he pulls you close, his optics flickering back and forth nervously. “So important I….think about you a lot. Like, a lot. I can’t….really stop. Even when I want to….its hard.”
Your face burns but you’re not letting that deter you. If god decided to kill you today, you’d steel on, wading through his comets. Think about the garden! You close the distance and your lips find the crook of his nose, pressing a gentle kiss to it, then his cheek. Your palms rested on his shoulder. Bee blinks, choking back a surpised sound at the touch but his servos manage to find your waist, curling his digits around the fabric of your shirt and pulls you close. He tilts his head so his lips would find yours.
“I think about you too.” You mumble against his lips.
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mlm-writer · 2 years
Daddy/Dearest (Wade Wilson x M!Reader)
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Pairing: Wade Wilson/Deadpool x Alien!Cis!M!Reader  Rating: Mature (lowest I can go with a Deadpool fic) Words: 1048 POV: Third Summary: You matched with Deadpool on the intergalactic dating app Starcrossed. After exchanging many dick pics, you decided to visit Earth for your first date... and blow the planet up if the date sucked. Note: Inspired by the song Party Tonight by Joe Hedourix and this prompt. Tags: first date, fluff, idk who Nick Fury really is tbh, 4th wall breaks, romcom and reader’s appearance is a little vague but at some point I started imagining Megamind
“Deadpool! Open up!” Wade groaned at the insistent knocking on his door. He tried to rub his eyes, only to find out that he was still wearing his mask. A quick look down revealed he had fallen asleep on the couch in his PJs. The knocking at his door stopped, so he rested his body on the couch. He had barely closed his eyes, when the door was knocked down. 
He raised his head with a groan, only to be incredibly surprised by his guest. “Wow, Nick Fury, I am not sure if I am even supposed to know who you are, because the writer has seen exactly one movie in which you had a cat, but he supposes you’re an important dude or whatever.” 
“Shut it, motherfucker,” the man wearing a black trenchcoat barked back at Wade. He clearly took note of the dirty white shirt with a butt on it and the blue chequered underwear Wade was wearing, but he did not comment on it. “Do you know the app Starcrossed?” 
Wade laughed, not reading the room that had been filled with armoured men and women because we are inclusive here and women can and will kick your ass if provoked. 
“That app with all the metas on it? Why? Did we match? I’m sorry if I did not reply, but you’re not really my type and you must have been an accidental swipe.” 
“Stop yapping! Does this guy look familiar to you?” From his pocket he unfolded a picture printed on an A4 paper. Wade leaned in and squinted at the picture. He did recognise the person on it. 
“Oh yes that’s my daddy - not my father - but like a sexual daddy you know. You should see his dick.” Nick looked like he was gonna lose it. Wade could tell, but he frankly did not give a shit. 
“Well, your ‘daddy’ is the leader of an alien race, whose armada is in orbit right now to drop him off for a ‘date’ with you. So get dressed, because whether we get blown up or not today is apparently up to you.” That was a lot to take in, but Wade was used to weird days and this was simply just another one of them. 
Now it was common to be nervous for a first date, but the fully armed SWAT team dropping Wade off was not helping. He tried making conversation with them, but they seemed to blame him for possible annihilation before dinner time. 
When he stepped out of the chopper, there was a masculine figure waiting in front of the former military base. He held a large bouquet of iridescent flowers. They seemed either fake or from an alien planet. “Wadey!” The figure called out, waving frantically with all hands that were not holding the bouquet. The inhuman coloured skin seemed to change colour wherever the late morning sun was directly shining on it. 
“Hi daddy,” Wade called back in the same cooing tone. He skipped over to his date. “Are those for me?” He mused, knowing the answer as his date handed them to him. 
“I heard flowers are quite common to bring to a Terran date, so I brought some rare flowers from my planet for you. I am afraid they will not survive as long as they would on my planet though. The sun here is weak.” Wade smelled the flowers. They smelled like butt. Could be worse. At least Wade was familiar with the smell of butt. Wade held the flowers close as he thanked the other for them. “Well then, shall we? Your government was so kind to help me set up an Earth-date.” 
The atmosphere was… weird. There was a very extensive brunch on a beautifully decorated table, but they were surrounded by people keeping them at gunpoint. “You don’t seem bothered by being held at gunpoint,” Wade noted as he rolled up his mask just far enough to shove a croissant into his mouth. 
“Likewise,” his date smirked back at him. He reached out and touched the edges of the mask. “Come on, I already know your dick and ass are covered in scars. Your face cannot possibly scare me.” Wade thought about it. Well, his identity was not really a secret right now anyway. They already knew where he lived. Wade lifted his mask off his face, trying to not show how insecure he was about his fucked up face. However, when he looked at the alien before him, he swore he could see a hunger in his eyes. “If these people were not around, I would fuck your face right now,” the man sighed dreamily, before continuing to clumsily trying to spread butter on a piece of toast. 
Wade reached out and decided to help him. Their fingers briefly touched and Wade saw the other man smile at the contact. It set his body on fire with desire. “I frankly don’t care about the audience, but after writing all those kinktober fics the writer can really use a break from blowjob scenes, so let’s keep this from being E-rated.”
Wade sat back down after buttering his date’s toast. He watched as the alien’s facial features reacted to the taste of Earth food. “Fascinating,” he spoke softly. Wade chatted with his date and those mesmerising eyes and charming smile kept drawing him in. At some point he was sure even Nick Fury could smell his arousal from wherever he was keeping an eye on the situation. There was no more food left, when his date rose from his seat and offered one of his hands. “Let’s get out of here.” 
Wade grabbed his mask and put it back on. “We’ll have to fight our way out of here if we want to do that.” A corona of blue light started surrounding the alien, a devilish smile appearing on his face. The sudden display of power got people loading their guns and Wade’s gun filling up with blood really quickly. 
“Do not worry, dearest, that can be arranged,” the most powerful being that had ever held him spoke, before he blasted a hole in the line of armed people, lighting the way to their future in a flurry of blue. “Let’s have a good time, dearest.”
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heaven-s-black-box · 10 months
Hands to yourself- Clay Terran x fem!Reader
Return to File
Recovery date: July 24th, 2020
Description: ship or X reader domestic- Clay stays over with his girlfriend, who just happens to be Apollo's twin sister.
Notes: An entry from my 2020 research project into the universe of Ace Attorney. You can find the next entry here.
Word count: 341
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The sun was warm on Y/N’s back, as she curled in closer to Clay. He had an arm slung around her waist, and his face was buried in her hair. With a small huff, she pried herself out of his grip and slid out of bed. She half haphazardly combed her fingers through her hair, which was still damp from her shower. Y/N yawned, as she left the bedroom, pulling on one of Clay’s space center shirts. He’d stayed the night since Apollo was working overtime on a case, and that meant she had the apartment to herself. Apollo and Y/N had shared an apartment just the two of them since Clay moved into an apartment closer to the space center. Before, the three of them had shared an apartment, with the boys sharing a room. 
She made her way to the kitchen, yawning. Turning on the kitchen light, she flinched, before making her way to the fridge to look for food.
“Y/N,” Clay whined, making her jump as he wrapped his arms around her waist, leaning over her, and nuzzled her neck. “You left me.” 
She laughed, “I was trying to make food, aren’t you hungry?” She stood up and turned around.
He opened his eyes to look at her, “Yes, but we can eat whenever. I miss you, and Pol-”
“Apollo would like you two to not screw in the kitchen,” they both jumped and turned to see the man in question standing in the doorway.
“Hey Pollo!” Clay laughed. “Don’t worry, I would’ve taken her back to her room,” he laughed as Y/N’s face turned red and she buried her face in his neck.
“Ew, TMI. Y/N do we need to have a talk about this?”
“N-No, I’m good. Wanna join us for breakfast?” Y/N asked, looking up at Apollo.
“Sure,” he yawned, “Then I’m gonna crash,” he mumbled. “Hands to yourself please!” He called as he left, Clay groaned.
“We’re having a date at my place next weekend,” Clay huffed.
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Black Celebration (Jaghatai Khan, Mortarion)
Summary: Mortarion befriends Khan's lover and realizes that he has feelings for her… and that she must be saved.
Jaghatai Khan/fem!Reader, Mortarion/fem!Reader
Warnings: yandere, manipulation, angst
Word count: 1371
Song: Depeche Mode - Black Celebration
I decided to try something new. Jaghatai is a soft yandere, but the focus is not on him, but on Mortarion. Of course, he can also be called a yandere (he is a primarch, they are all a little wierd there), but his fears are still justified.
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Jaghatai Khan, Primarch of the White Scars was a special person. Strange culture, strange manners and isolation from others. He, like Mortarion, was forced to serve the Emperor, but not because of an agreement, but because of the desire to protect his world. But they were not friendly. The only person with whom Warhawk was able to strike up a friendship was Magnus the Red. A witch, no less.
It is not surprising that when Jaghatai became attached to a small mortal woman, no one paid attention to it. And it was so difficult to understand what was on his mind. So why waste time on you when there are much more important things to do.
“Oh, I didn’t think anyone else would be here. You are Mortarion, aren't you? Jaghatai has told so little about you.”
Mortarion takes his eyes off the ivy and turns around. He’s not used to seeing you without your patron. On the other hand, it’s unlikely that anything could threaten you in the Terran greenhouse.
You smile brightly and talk non-stop about how you wanted to see the greenhouse. After all, so many wonders from all worlds are collected here. The Primarch of the Death Guard continues to sit on one knee with an impassive gaze, looking at your words. During all this time, he never changed his face or said a word. Simply put, he did not show his passion in the conversation.
“I see you liked this plant. Can you please tell me more about it? Everything is so interesting here.”
You press your hands to your chin and look pointedly at the primarch. Mortarion can do nothing but frown. Something was erroneous here. Something is wrong. In you. You were wrong. Strange. You acted differently.
“Aren't you afraid of me?”
You almost recoil at his words and raise an eyebrow. Not out of disgust. But surprises. Misunderstandings. The primarch watches carefully as your eyes scan the man from head to toe. Your lips curl up and your face takes on a funny look.
Perhaps now you should be scared. Mortarion is sure that if he didn’t hurt your feelings before, now... you should have run away as fast as you could. A primarch, but he cannot control his own body, what a shame. The eyes widened, the nostrils inhaled deeply. He looked like an enraged monster, ready to rush forward and tear his victim to pieces. Only it wasn't rage.
He had never heard pleasant words.
And didn’t know how to react. But you continue to stand, embarrassedly fiddling with your hands. Waiting for the Pale King to deign to tell you about all the different types of plants in the greenhouse. Mortarion opens his mouth several times, gulping air like a fish. Until he gathers his strength and begins to talk.
You started meeting more often. The greenhouse was your secret place. You hardly saw each other in different parts of the Imperial Palace. Or pretended not to notice each other. But you and the primarch didn’t even discuss why you kept your friendship a secret. It just happened that way.
But Mortarion looked forward to all these meetings. Couldn’t calm down his feelings or control his thoughts. He longed to meet again, to hear your laughter. And when these meetings came, he waited with bated breath for their completion. Hoped to the last that the wonderful dream would last as long as possible.
He told you about Barbarus. About the Crusade. Not the most pleasant stories, full of pain and suffering. But you listened to them carefully. You wanted to support him. And when you touched his hand one time during the story about his “adoptive father”... The Pale King was relieved. You didn't mock him. Wasn't afraid.
You were a true ray of light. Mortarion loved listening to your stories about your home planet, customs and traditions. What are your favorite holidays, how is your family doing. Your distant home among the stars seemed like a real paradise. While Mortarion's homeworld rotted alive.
“You know, I really appreciate that you listen so eagerly about my culture.” - you get embarrassed and fidget with your dress while sitting on the floor. - “Jaghatai is also interested. But he has a lot to do and besides, I have to integrate more into the culture of Chogoris. So there is little time for me.”
You say this so calmly. You accept your fate and position like a slave. Mortarion frowns. He doesn't like you being neglected. You were mortal. Small and fragile. You need to be taken care of, not terrorized.
“What is your relationship with my brother?”
You open your mouth and blink your eyes. Until you squeak in embarrassment and hide your face in your hands. Mortarion wants, desperately wants to smile at this sight. Show you at least a little bit of goodness. But he doesn't know how to smile. Besides, he simply cannot calm down until he understands that you are safe.
“Jaghatai... he annexed our world to the Imperium too quickly. We couldn't fight back anyway, peaceful planet. I... we met at one of the holidays, and then we began to meet more and more often. And so unexpectedly! It’s as if fate was favoring us.”
Mortarion hears your heart begin to beat with greater intensity. Or was it his?
“I-I know how it sounds, but I love him. And... and he loves me. Of course I had to leave my home, but nothing could be done. Jaghatai said that he will take care of my family, they will not need anything. Of course, he forbids me to go to a lot of places and my social circle is narrow... but this is all for my safety. Sometimes his care is a little suffocating... but he said that he has never fallen in love and does not know how to show his feelings... He writes me poems, laughs at my jokes. And he also gives me rides on his bike!”
Naivety. Pure and simple-minded naivety. Which his brother brazenly took advantage of and turned a wonderful girl into a slave. And she doesn’t even realize it, greedily accepting what he gives. This is not freedom. Mortarion should have saved you, you deserve better, you need...
No, Mortarion is not worthy of your care and affection. How can such a beautiful and pure girl desire such a disgusting man like him. He looked terrible, but compared to the Primarch of the White Scars, he must have caused momentary disgust.
Khan was handsome and dressed more flamboyantly than Fulgrim. He looked after you, behaved perfectly and so normally. Mortarion looked simply ridiculous compared to him. He may be a primarch, he may be called the Pale King. But he was pathetic in front of you.
And he doesn't say anything.
The next day he doesn't see you in the greenhouse. And in subsequent ones. In truth, it seems as if you have disappeared from the Imperial Palace. Your trace is gone, the scent has cooled and he can’t hear the beat of your heart. You are absent. You're far away.
Mortarion thinks he is going crazy and he doesn't know what to do. Have you decided to leave him? Have you decided to run away? He couldn’t blame you, but resentment and sadness gnawed at his soul. He really wanted to spend time with you again. Feel needed. Beloved.
His thoughts are abruptly interrupted by a tap on his shoulder. Khan.
“I am grateful to you for brightening the days of my nightingale.” -White Hawk doesn't look grateful. - “My moon is already tired. She shouldn't talk to other primarchs so often. Besides, we were delayed on Terra. If you have something to say, then say it. I’ll pass on the words to my beauty.”
Mortarion wants to scream. You have a name. Jaghatai has no right to treat you like this. You deserve better... The Pale King is terrible and disgusting. He's a monster in the flesh. But it seems that your soul makes it better. Mortarion wants to see you again among the flowers, cheerful and alive. Happy. Free.
“Tell her that we will meet again.”
Whatever happens.
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